Our client XPLORA are listed on Very.co.uk

Blog title "Our client XPLORA are listed on very.co.uk" with photos of the XPLORA watches

Products by our client XPLORA, the world’s first complete mobile phone for children company, are now listed on the Very.co.uk marketplace featuring BBC’s Doctor Who campaign. 

XPLORA launched in 2016 with a clear objective and vision: to connect families while allowing kids to explore and play uninterrupted. Their technology is now used by more than 400,000 users worldwide. 

To pursue their vision to get our children more active, XPLORA knew they had to be relevant. They launched the #GOPLAY platform which turns real-life activity into XPLORA Coins. 

“During 2019 and 2020 so far, our users have walked more than 10 billion steps, collected thousands of carrots, cracked memory games, or been secret spies. But, only after first being physically active! We are proud to say that kids engaging with our Goplay platform have, on average, more than 10K steps per day—which is more than double the activity level of average kids!” – XPLORA

The Goplay platform allows XPLORA to integrate with multiple global brands across various partnerships. To mention just some of the recent campaigns, kids can collect XPLORA coins by playing the Dora movie game, Fast & Furious Spy Racers game, and BBC’s Doctor Who which is featured on Very.co.uk currently. By staying active kids get rewarded with a TARDIS for every 1000 steps they take, with top 10 players on the weekly Leaderboard set receive exclusive prizes. 

Penetrating the UK toys market with a new brand is a difficult task, and we’re proud to have helped XPLORA get listed with The Very Group,  the UK’s largest integrated retail and financial services provider, where XPLORA’s activity band has been a best seller since the first month of the listing going live. Having created a successful bridgehead into the UK, we will now work with them to move into the North American markets. 

Want to buy XPLORA products for your kids or as gifts? Very.co.uk

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